AJBAS Vol. 7 No. 1, 2020

Asian Journal of  Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2020: Accepted Papers

1. Peneciba, E. P. (2020).  The implementation of disaster risk reduction management program in preparedness and awareness for school safety: basis for intervention plan. Asian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,  7 (1), 1-29.

Abstract                                         Full Paper

2. Peneciba, E. P. (2020). Ethnomedicinal plants used by traditional healers in Barobo, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines. Asian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,  7 (1), 30-39.

Abstract                                         Full Paper

3. Chebet, Bridgid., Situma, J. N. & Bor, W. (2020). Feeding practices of infants, health and nutrition challenges faced by adolescent mothers. Asian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,  7 (1), 40-47.

Abstract                                         Full Paper