Peer-Review and Publication

Multidisciplinary Journals adopts the policy of providing free and open access to full text articles of all of our journals.

Submission of a paper to Multidisciplinary Journals implies that the manuscript has not been published or under consideration in any other journal. Appropriate permission should be obtained to use data presented at professional meetings/conferences and reference to this should be mentioned in a footnote. Two or more independent, anonymous referees chosen by the Editor will review all the manuscripts. The review of articles is done on a fast track process and usually takes 2-3 weeks. If revision is necessary, the author is asked to resubmit the manuscript incorporating the suggestions and recommendations of the referees within two weeks. The Editor reserves the right to reject a manuscript without peer review if the manuscript does not comply with the Journal’s  Instructions for Authors. All submissions are subject to final approval and acceptance for publication by the Editor.